Find Tools Used by Popular Newsletters

May 24, 2024 |
Keenen Charles

There are a lot of great tools and services you can use to manage, grow, and monetize your newsletter. But selecting which ones you should use is a bit tricky. One of the best ways to do that is to look at what successful newsletter operators are using

Search by Newsletter

InboxReads lets you see the top tools and services used by any newsletter listed on the website. Simply search for a newsletter you're interested in like TLDR and you'll see the services it uses listed on it's page.

Tools used by the TLDR newsletter

Search by Tool

Or you can search for the tool you're considering using like beehiiv and see a list of newsletters that use it and decide if it's worth your time. enter image description here

Other Resources

While InboxReads is a great starting point, here are some additional resources to consider:

Online Communities: Join online groups dedicated to newsletters like the Facebook Newsletter Creators group and ask fellow operators.

Social Media: Follow your favorite newsletter creators on social media. They might occasionally mention the tools they use or answer questions.

And check out this great Github list of awesome newsletter tools.

And that's it. By combining inspiration with a proactive approach, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect toolkit to elevate your newsletter to new heights.

Keenen Charles

Keenen is the creator of InboxReads and a believer in the future of newsletters and email for sharing great content.

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