How to Contact Newsletter Creators

September 10, 2024 |
Keenen Charles

Whether you're looking to setup a partnership or advertise in a newsletter it can be difficult to find the right contact information and get in touch with them.

InboxReads makes that easy by allowing you to directly contact newsletter operators from our website. Your message will get sent to the right person and have a higher chance of being read.

How to message newsletter operators?

  1. Find the newsletter you'd like to get in touch with and scroll to the creator details. There you'll see the contact button next to their name.

Example of newsletter details page with contact button

  1. Write your message and optionally a custom subject to ensure they'll open it. Example of sending a message to a newsletter writer

And that's it. You can search through the platform for newsletters you're interested in reaching and filter by criteria like subscriber count, open rates, and more.

Keenen Charles

Keenen is the creator of InboxReads and a believer in the future of newsletters and email for sharing great content.

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