Elastic Email

The most affordable email delivery service


  • Starts At: $29 per month
  • Up To: $2,200 per month


Elastic Email helps you grow your audience, create stunning newsletters and send emails via API or SMTP relay.


The newsletter platform built for growth


  • Starts At: Free
  • Up To: $99 per month


Beehiiv is a newsletter platform built by the early Morning Brew team. It features all the tools you need for growth and monetization on the same platform without the need for any coding or integrations. Their aim is to bring the growth tools used by the most successful newsletters to everyone.

Compare to other tools

See how Elastic Email stacks up to these other services.

Marigold Engage by Sailthru

Making every message a little more personal


Drive growth with customer experience automation


Create Email Marketing Your Way

Amazon SES

Reliable, scalable email at the lowest prices


Free Marketing Tools for Content Creators

Wordpress Newsletters

Write and Publish Your Newsletter on WordPress

Whether it’s a new project in early access, something fresh from crowdfunding, or a fully polished release, we’ve got you covered.

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