What's New in InboxReads - May 2024

May 28, 2024 |
Keenen Charles

Every week there are new features added to InboxReads to help you grow and discover newsletters. Here's a look at what's been added in the past month.


Find your newsletters' dashboard now shows it's competitors. These are similar newsletters targeting related audiences that you can probably learn a lot from. Learn how to find your competitors.

Recommended Cross Promotions

On your dashboard you now see a list of recommended cross promotions that uses an improve algorithm to find the best matches. Now it's a lot easier to find the most relevant newsletters you can work with.

Newsletter Tools

Ever wondered what tools popular newsletters use? Now you can see the tools used for marketing, advertising, referrals, and more by your favourite newsletters. Learn how to find recommended newsletter tools.

For Pro Users

Growth Charts

For each of your submissions you now have a chart showing your views, clicks, and subscriber growth over time on your dashboard. It's a great way to track how your submission is performing on InboxReads and make changes to get even more traffic.

Metric Targets

Now you can see how your open rates and click rates compare to similar newsletters in your niche. This will help you know if there's work you should be doing to improve these metrics and the benchmarks in your niche to be aiming for.

Hope you find these useful and if there are any features you'd like to see added, let me know!

Keenen Charles

Keenen is the creator of InboxReads and a believer in the future of newsletters and email for sharing great content.

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